Sunday, December 14, 2014

Awesome Knit Dresses

Hand Knit Wedding Dress
Hand Knit Wedding Dress
Knitting is one of my hidden passions. I'm not a pro, and a lot of times I bite more than I can chew, meaning I take on projects that turn out to be a bit too difficult for my level of expertise and end up as blankets. But I also have a few (or more *wink*) pieces that actually turned out pretty well and which I wear on a regular basis. That said, I've always wanted to make myself a cool knit dress, although the idea of how much time and effort I would have to put into such a big endeavor kinda curbed my enthusiasm. Of course, that doesn't mean I can't turn to the World Wide Web for inspiration for when I finally decide to take on the challenge. And here's what I found so far. Note that these are pieces that one can actually make with their own two little busy hands, not that machine-made stuff you can go buy at the mall.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Animal Themed and Other Cool Wall Clocks

Karlsson DIY Butterfly Clock
Karlsson DIY Butterfly Clock
For someone who never knows what time it is, I have a pretty big passion for clocks. Some of my friends would call it obsession, though not to my face. God help anyone who tried. They wouldn't hear the end of it. I mean, some people like toys, others like cars, I like clocks. To each his own, right. Anyways, if it weren't for this thing I have, that it's in bad taste to have more than one wall clock in a room, especially if it's a rather small room like my own, I would probably have my walls plastered with all kinds of time-telling pieces. But since that's not going to happen, all I can do is browse the mighty Internet on a regular basis and feast my eyes on whatever new piece hits the market. Here are just some of them.